Beginners Guide to the 8 Dimensions of Wellness

The eight dimensions of wellness are interconnected and build on one another. These include emotional, environmental, intellectual, financial, physical, social, occupational, and spiritual dimensions. We recognize that we live in a multicultural world, and wellness encompasses areas that may not be specified in this brief discussion.

Each dimension of wellness can affect our overall quality of life. Wellness can directly relate to how long we live (longevity) and how well we live (quality of life). When we look at the model, our attention is drawn to the idea that all eight dimensions are connected or interconnected as mentioned before.

We all know or have experienced how much they are connected in our lives.

We experience emotional stress (anxiety), sometimes leading to physical problems (illness), less effectiveness at work (occupational), and maybe even questioning our meaning and purpose in life (spiritual). When we are not working or have challenges at work (occupational), we lose some of our opportunities to interact with others (social), cannot get the quality foods and medical care we need to stay well (physical) and may need to move to a place that feels less safe and secure (environmental).

In summary, wellness is about how we live our lives and the joy and fulfillment, and health we experience.

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